The Key to Career Management
This exercise is designed to provide you with the opportunity to begin the long, rewarding process known as self-assessment. Self-assessment consists of learning more about yourself, your likes and dislikes, your needs, desires, and expectations. It is the first and most important step in the career management process. Without an in-depth self-assessment, you will be unable to choose the right organization and work environment for you. By learning more about yourself, you will be able to make well-informed decisions about where you should work and the types of opportunities of which you should take advantage and/or reject.
The following questions are merely a starting place for a truly extensive self-assessment. If you are interested in continuing the process, there are several good books available which will guide you through the process. You can also take advantage of your career counseling services on campus, they can administer self-assessment instruments and help guide your process.
A. Record your answers to the following questions.
List and describe all previous work experiences. In these descriptions include the tasks/activities in which you engaged, the relationships you developed, and the things you both liked and disliked about the job. If you can, explain why you like or disliked these particular things.
List and describe all the classes you have liked or disliked since attending your university. Describe the things you both liked and disliked about the courses, and if you can explain why you liked or disliked these particular things.
List and describe outside activities in which you have been involved since attending your university. Describe the things you liked or disliked about these activities and if possible explain why you liked or disliked these particular things.
B. Once you have completed these questions, look through your responses for themes (areas that appear to be repeated or supported throughout your answers). List each theme and the information that supports the establishment of the theme (from your answers to the questions above).
C. Translate your themes into characteristics that you believe should or should not be present in your desired work environment. Explain why each area you listed should or should not be present in your desired work environment, support your explanation using your answers to the questions above.